Sales Rants

5 absolutely bold ways to revive sales

Let COVID 19 be not a perpetual excuse

Karmeish Ghosh
4 min readJun 29, 2020


If eighty percent of your sales come from twenty percent of all of your items, just carry those twenty percent. Henry Kissinger

Photo by Alex Motoc on Unsplash

Every business owner, sales guy, retailers, small business owners, large enterprises in each part of the world is busy either drawing up strategies or picking up the remains from this carnage.

In India, its a long battle ahead, looking at the COVID numbers but there are those green sprouts of revival in the economy, at least that’s what our media tells us.

Unfortunately, I have seen it all in my own company — business shutdown, job losses, salary cuts, and corona infections.

I run an outsourcing firm that employs women from rural India and it pains my heart to see that some of them might have to lose their livelihoods today.

There is a difference between being “emotional” and “using emotions” to fuel up a charge against the enemy.

Sales, is the cure, said Mark Cuban

..and I can’t agree any further with him.

Boost your sales numbers, boost your business, your local economy, create jobs, and eventually, bring in some amount of happiness.



Karmeish Ghosh

Digital Creator, a student of life. Sharing everything that I have. Visit