Sales Rants

4 proven reasons why you need email extractors

# 2 Save time and hit your numbers faster

Karmeish Ghosh
6 min readJul 7, 2020


Success is nothing but access. Access to people, opportunities and knowledge

How to generate leads using email extractors.

You could be a freelancer or a sales rep or a side hustler, you will need to generate leads to make a living.

One of the things that is still relevant is an email id–it has withstood the test of time, social media and zillions of other communication forms.

I love anything that does the job and saves me time for my side hustle.

Email extractors have turned out to be one of the ‘come in handy’ software for marketers; it helps businesses in extracting email addresses and contacts from the wave of prospects.

These applications hand over email list of prospects to you and clear out ways for sending out emails for a legit marketing campaign.



Karmeish Ghosh

Digital Creator, a student of life. Sharing everything that I have. Visit