Side Hustling

12 tools that I use to run my side hustle

It’s not always the tools, its the mechanic who does the magic with them

Karmeish Ghosh
7 min readJun 27, 2020


Paul works at a start-up for the past four years, it’s only months ago when he woke up on a bright, sunny day to know that he’s thrown out of his job, because of the pandemic. I know this Paul is one of you, tormenting yourself on your ill fate for days, and finally coming up with the idea of not sticking up for ‘One’ job or one source of income this time. You can deliberately start looking out for ideas on how to start a side business and become familiar to infinite ideas. Of course, Paul chose running a Consulting Business, you may have already guessed that from out title.

You can start creating MSIs (multiple sources of income) has become no more a fad but a reality based on current scenarios. There are so many ways of creating side hustles but the easiest is to be a consultant. And along with that, another question raises how to be a Consultant. So here, we’re uncovering the most essential tools for starting a consulting business on your own.

Somehow I enjoyed Karolína Fialka’s piece today on multiple sources of income. Okay coming back to my list..

1. Owning a high-performance laptop



Karmeish Ghosh

Digital Creator, a student of life. Sharing everything that I have. Visit